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Specialty Eyecare Solutions
Contact us with your vision needs or for assistance with your patients' special eyecare solutions
Unlike the mass merchandise opticians, our focus is on the best eyecare/eyewear solution for a customer's unique prescription or complex vision issues. By working closely with a customer's ophthalmologist and/or optometrist, we have been successfully fitting eyeglasses for patients with conditions such as:
Bi-focals with Slab off prism
Bi-focals with different prismatic powers for near and far
Verticaly induced imbalance in progressives due to dioptric power difference in the 90-degree meridian
Size lenses for strabismus, anisophoria, retinal disorders, ERM (epiretinal membrane/ macular pucker), macropsia, micropsia and detached retinas
Eyeglasses ranging from +16 to -22, progressives and single vision

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